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We’ve all surely heard the saying “joy comes in the morning,” but how easy is it to believe? Learning to trust in the Lord’s provision and faithfulness when life is not going how you planned can be difficult. Learning how to battle depression and a mood disorder while being in a setting where your most severe triggers are constantly getting ticked can be beyond difficult. Living in the world but not of it is difficult. But with time everything gets better, right? What do you do in the meantime though, while everything seems mundane, full of havoc, pointless or just not where you want it to be?

I’ve had this thought and been trying to figure it out for awhile now. I’m a lady with lots of big plans. I want to get married, travel the world, plan weddings, own a ranch and love every single person I meet well. And while I am getting to travel the world currently, I still get discouraged in other areas and forget to sit in the season Jehovah has me in. I think the first thing we have to do when we’re in a season we don’t enjoy is actually sit in it. I believe sitting in the season God has you in can look different for everyone. You don’t necessarily have to embrace it, but look at where the Lord has you. Take the time to figure out what He’s teaching you and realize that He might be equipping you for that next season that you’re so excited about. It’s okay to be excited for what’s next! That’s natural, but it’s also crucial to be fully where you are.
Being fully present has helped me immensely when it comes to enjoying the awesome life I’ve been entrusted with by Elohim.

This next thought might seem like it counteracts, but when I need motivation, having exciting things to look forward in the long term to can help to be able to embrace the “joy that comes in the morning”. Sometimes the season you’re in is mundane and you just need a little boost to keep going. Doesn’t mean you can’t still rest in and trust the Lord, but you can have a little “dangling carrot” for that season too.

Next!! Spice life up a little in the day to day. Learn how to make homemade pasta, go on a roadtrip, get coffee with someone you haven’t gone out with before and get to know them like actually truly know them, start that new crazy hobby that you’ve been thinking about! The options are limitless! When I was newer in my faith, I’d thought God was intense on rules and He was “boring,” but He is the total opposite. He loves to have a good time! He’s a God of joy! He keeps it fun and fresh. He is so awesome!! Which leads me into my next point!

SPEND TIME WORSHIPPING!! Get some music to praise the Lord to. As long as it’s biblical and your heart is truly in a grateful posture it doesn’t really matter what the type of praise music is (like gospel, hymns, today’s popular songs or just singing your own words of praise to Him). You can do it whenever and wherever! Driving to work, on your knees in the living room, while you’re getting ready for bed! Worship should not just be reserved for Sunday morning.

One of the final things that’s helped me with getting through the tough days, weeks and seasons has been spending time in the Bible. Like genuinely abiding in the word… read it. Meditate on it. Ask questions! Write prayers in your Bible! Just dedicate a little time, to start, to be in the word. Don’t start off with some big goal because that’s how it gets overwhelming and discouraging. You can start with 5 minutes or just reading a single verse a day; just stick with it, be consistent and see how much your mindset and heart changes. You will feel so much more fulfilled! I can promise this.

So how do you embrace the “joy coming in the morning?” There’s tons of options! Life is going to be difficult, but your mindset and habits are going to be what will make or break you. Be fully present in the season you’re in, find stuff to look forward to, spice up the mundane, worship YAHWEH and spend time in the word! It’s so beyond worth it! The more you get to know God, the easier it is to trust in His faithfulness and that He will take care of it all. (In all disclosure, I’m in a time of getting to know Him, but the more I know Him, the more secure I am). Just try it:)

I apologize for not being consistent in blogging. My laptop got stolen in Guatemala and being stubborn and upset I was adamant I couldn’t write a blog with anything other than my laptop. I will work on being more consistent!
Much love!


Also here are some pictures from Romania so far!

This is my team!! From left to right me, Elora, Riley, Amanda, Fran and Sarah!(My team! From left to right me, Elora, Riley, Amanda, Fran and Sarah!)

This is our ministry host, Raul, his wife, Ana and some kids from the church!(This is our ministry host, Raul, his wife, Ana and some kids from the church!)

We got to be in Romania for their Independence Day! (We got to be in Romania for their Independence Day!)

(Amanda keeps me laughing during meetings that are only in Romanian:))

We got to be a part of baptisms and it was a great turn out! (We got to be a part of baptisms and it was a great turn out!)

Some random owls! (Some random owls!)

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