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T minus 4 days until we head out for Guatemala! This past week and a half at training camp has been absolutely awesome, AWEsome! The Holy Spirit has been beyond evident in all of my teammates’ lives in how they love, share their hearts and growth, and their overall unity. This time has been so beautiful and honestly refreshing! I’ll have all the details about them at the end;)

Each day is packed full of physical, spiritual, and mental challenges but the fruit of it all has been plentiful. We start each day around 0800 with a squad devotional. The 22 of us and our leadership team get together and learn different ways of spending quality time with Jesus. Following this sweet time, we drift off into some solo time with the Lord.  I finished the book of Job last week, and just seeing the joy, perseverance, and trust he held in our Abba is beautiful and encouraging!

At 0900 all of the squads get together and eat breakfast; some meals are definitely full of more substance than others but it’s a good reminder of how blessed I am and that God always provides just what I need. After some yums for the tums, we head into the training center, where we get to sit with YAHWEH and worship Him for a straight hour. WHAT A HEALING AND BEAUTIFUL TIME!! A few of my teammates and I have been pushed out of our comfort zones with the type of worship just because it is more spirit-led and so not always having words to know or follow along with can be unsettling, especially when that is what you had grown up with. There has been an abundance of growth in this discomfort, though; I can sit and enjoy Jesus in a whole new way. HE IS SO GOOD!!

We have roughly two hours of training proceeding worship. Here the leadership and some individuals they trust encourage the squads towards forgiveness, discerning the voice of God and other lessons/ heart hurts that totally need to be addressed prior to going out and sharing the love of our Jesus. God has been genuinely pressing into my heart for a FULL surrendering to Him in every single area of my life. In all transparency, this is a difficult area for me, to completely trust someone else with every area of my life and know I am secure- not trying to grab back control. Oh, but friend, how sweet and light His yoke is! Truly! I have not felt as much joy, peace, and rejuvenation in what seems like forever. It has only been a week, but He has moved immensely in everyone’s lives.

We split back up into our groups, which is all 28 of us (including leadership). Here we debrief the message; bringing our concerns, questions, and encouragement to the body. Then it is time for some more food! 1330 we all return to the dining area, just enjoying one another’s company and the food Malachi and his team have prepared. After this, we usually have about an hour to ourselves; then we go in for more training, dinner at 1900, group time/ team building, and then bed.



JACOB- He has such a sick story, but more than that, I think it’s valuable to share some of the attributes the Lord has truly blessed him with. Jacob is patient and full of so much wisdom from Jesus. He is a fantastic supporter and leader, ready to have anyone’s back immediately. Leadership has trusted him with the storyteller role, so he will be in charge of the squad’s overall blogging and keeping us all accountable for keeping our people up to date.

SHUA- One of the most intentional, genuine, and gentle men I’ve ever met! He prioritized going around to all the team members to learn how they felt loved and their stories. He doesn’t just leave it at that, though! Shua follows up and remembers everything you told him. He has such a kind heart, and I’m super excited to see where the Lord takes him.

DEZARAE- Oh my goodness! When she looks at you, no wall can stand. She can look straight into your heart, it feels like, but it makes you feel so seen, heard, and cared for. She has one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen, and don’t even get me started on her love for Jesus! Holy Spirit floods out of her, and you can’t leave her presence without being more on fire for the Lord.

KILEY- Such a gentle spirit that makes you feel so secure. She knows sign language, which is super cool, so I will definitely be following her around, trying to learn from her! Kiley has such a patient and soft demeanor that pours Jesus’ peace all over you!

RILEY- First off, she’s my team leader and I could not be more stoked! She has a heart of gold and is crazy sweet and gentle but she has a smile that lights up a room. Riley is super funny and an absolute delight to be around. Each time you leave her, you leave a better person.

JESSIE- She has such a sensitive, intentional, and beautiful heart! Jessie will feel every emotion with you but is also ready to show everyone how it is done for anything sport-related. She totally smoked our whole squad when it came to capturing the flag! We have had the opportunity to run together, and I’m not much of a talker when I run, but she can get you talking and totally distracted from the fact that you’re running up a hill for like 2 miles.

LIBBY- A gentle, beautiful spirit! She is drop-dead gorgeous but even more on the inside. It is so cool learning more and more about her because she can throw you for the biggest loop. She is so kind!!

ASHELY- Such a happy and go-lucky lady! She is always ready to take on something new and absolutely conquer it. She has such a beautiful heart for her home church, so seeing her obedience to the Lord to leave and go onto the mission field for a year is super inspiring.

SOPHIE- She is literally the sweetest being you could meet! I have never heard a complaint come from her mouth, no matter what we are doing or eating. She is so gracious, and I’m so very excited to see how the Lord uses her this upcoming year! A beautiful soul!

RYANN- She shares her heart, encouraging the rest of us that we are not alone. She stays attentive to each individual, always giving a voice to the quieter individuals. Ryann is just such a rejuvenating person to be with. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are valued, and I think that is something that takes intention! She also keeps it real, which is so nice to be around!

KELSEY- Best hugs by far! This girl gives you a hug and you just can’t help but be happy. She is also quite attentive to each individual and their mental state. Kelsey also has such a heart for the Lord, and seeing her growth and love for worship is beautiful!

FRAN- So funny! She can get everyone in a room falling off of their chairs with laughter. She also has such a gentle and intentional heart, and her love and pursuit for the Lord are beyond evident. She beams with His joy!

AMANDA A.- Holy smokes, this woman radiates Christ’s joy! You hear her laugh, her talk, or even be in the same room, and you will not be able to be sad. She lifts everyone’s spirits within seconds! Amanda is also a gifted leader with a beautiful heart that she shows to everyone. WARNING: you meet her and will constantly want to be around her. Her personality and demeanor are so contagious and leave you wanting more time with her!

AMANDA D.- We connected pretty quickly! First, I have to mention her skin is crazy! It is always glowing, and she’s just gorgeous inside and out! She is so real and a breath of fresh air! Her passion in life is beyond admirable! And when you talk, you know she is there. 100% she is focused on you. You cannot help but feel seen and cared for. Her spirit is so fun, and her heart is beautiful! We will actually be in charge of meal planning and cooking together at our first location in Guatemala; so many fun memories/ stories to come!

EMILY- Wow. Literally the coolest! She is also one of the more intentional individuals in our squad. She might be having a lousy day, but you would never guess because she always has a smile on her face and is serving others! I aspire to emulate her specifically in this area. She has a pure heart and makes sure everyone feels legitimately seen!

EMMA- The voice of a literal angel! The Lord has seriously blessed her with such a gift of both leading and singing. She is a woman of many talents! I look forward to seeing more of her heart as we get to know one another this upcoming year.

SARAH- The most down-to-earth woman everrrrr! She keeps it real from the start, creating a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Sarah is goofy and just a blast to be around.

ANAHBELLE- A literal PRINCESS! Yet every day, she whips out something that leaves your jaw on the floor. She is gentle, yet homegirl can rip an apple in half! She is calm yet brings so much life. She is so sweet!! I nicknamed her “New York,” so she might be referenced that way in future blogs, but she is such a cool and intriguing woman!

MADELYNN- Oh my goodness! You meet this woman of God and go, “Wow, she genuinely loves Jesus with her whole heart.” She has seriously dedicated her everything to Him. God has blessed her with maturity and heart beyond her years, and hearing her speak and lead is awesome.

RACHEL – She is so stinking funny! We connected immediately, sharing silly stories with the rest of the group. Her heart is so beautiful, and man, she really invests in everyone, and I think that’s the coolest. She was an EMT back home, and her hunger for the Lord is so evident. I have been glued to her hip since getting here, in all honesty. She is just so genuine, a breath of fresh air and a well of love and knowledge!

ELORA- Such a gentle yet commanding spirit. When she speaks, people listen. The Lord has blessed her with so much wisdom; it is refreshing to be in her presence. She started a women’s bible study at her college, and God has continued to bless it even after she graduated. She is so in tune with the Spirit! Leadership has trusted her with the worship coordinator position, and she will rock it!


The Lord is going to do amazing things through this team! I am stoked!!



I would so appreciate continued prayer on unity, safety with travels, obedient hearts, and that God begins working on all the hearts we will have the opportunity to minister to this upcoming year.

Praise Him for all His peace and movement!! OUR ABBA IS SO BEYOND GOOD!!


Love and blessings!! xoxo

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